Getting out by Going In (GOGI)


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Organization Description

The mission of Getting Out by Going In (GOGI) is to enable the positive social development of men, women and youth in prisons and jails for their successful return to society. As a volunteer-staffed, not-for-profit organization, GOGI is motivated to expand a positive prison culture with proven cognitive behavioral tools that support successful return to society. 

We offer any at-risk, port release or confinedman, woman or child the opportunity to learn the GOGI Tools for Positive Decision-Making.

Programs and Services Offered

Getting Out by Going In (GOGI) provides educational opportunities and leadership training to county, state and federal prisoners nationwide. All GOGI studies are based on the GOGI Tools for Positive Decision Making, which are a set of proven cognitive tools. GOGI provides its education and programming services to any man or woman interested in making more positive decisions in their lives.

These program participants include individuals involved in:

- Individual study curricula;

- Group study curricula;

- In-cell study for high risk or high security population that do not receive regular or consistent education opportunities;

- Specialized tracks of study and curricula for addiction, anger management, Behavior modification, insight development, release preparation, parenting, domestic violence, and many more;

All GOGI Programming and education is offered through GOGI textbooks, workshops, self-study, group study, and educational media. No one is denied GOGI studies. GOGI’s vision is to make educational materials available to all prisoners and post release participants to enable the emergence of a new positive culture within our nation’s jail and prison.



Health & Safety

There are no risks involved in volunteering for GOGI Media. There is no required site visits, inside or outside of programming facilities (prisons and jails). These opportunites may be made available, but are never required of volunteers.

There are no risks involved in volunteering for GOGI Media. There is no required site visits, inside or outside of programming facilities (prisons and jails). These opportunites may be made available, but are never required of volunteers.

P.O. Box 88969
Los Angeles, CA 90009
United States
General Phone 
Service Learning
Organization type 
Focus Population(s)
Focus Area(s)