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Abigail Romero

at CK Price Middle School in Orland

6-8th ELD/Spanisharomero@orlandusd.net; 530-865-1225 T 8:30 am-11:32 am

Adelle Harris

at Loma Vista School in Chico

SDC TKaharris@chicousd.org; 530-879-7400 TBD

Aliana Barron

at Biggs Elementary School in Biggs

Special Educationabarron@biggs.org; 530-868-5870

Allison Gross

at Foothill High School in Palo Cedro

Agricultureagross@suhsd.net; 530-547-1700 MWR 8:00 am-12:00 pm; TF 8:00 am-3:00 pm

Allison Schroll

at Chico High School in Chico

RSP Teacheraschroll@chicousd.org; 530-891-3026 x30358 Mondays & Wednesdays (first week of October) 

Amanda Von Kleist

at Hamilton High School in Hamilton City

GCOE Special Educationavonkleist@husdschools.org; 530-826-3261 MWF 8:00 am-10 am

Amber Stiles

at Chico High School in Chico

7th Grade World Historyastiles@chicousd.org; 323-898-3937 MR 12:56 pm-2:49 pm; W 1:10 pm-2:49 pm

Amber Stiles (CJHS)

at Chico Jr. High School in Chico

7th gradeastiles@chicousd.org; 530-891-3066 T 12:56 pm-2:49 pm; W 1:10 pm-2:49 pm

Amy Chamberlin

at Sierra View Elementary School in Chico

Resource Specialistachamberlin@chicousd.org; 530-891-3117

Amy Wallace

at Chapman Elementary School in Chico

Resource Teacherawallace@chicousd.org; 530-891-3100 x146 10/6, 10/20, 11/3, 11/17: 8:30 am-10:00 am

Andree Earley

at Las Plumas High School in Oroville

Agricultureaearley@ouhsd.net; 530-538-2310 TBD

Andrew Martin

at Hamilton High School in Hamilton City

Agriculture Mechanicsamartin@husdschools.org; 530-826-0603 TBD

Andria Busch

at McKinley Primary School in Gridley

1st Gradeabusch@gusd.org; 530-846-5686

Andy Lemos

at Pleasant Valley High School in Chico

Special EducationWorld History & Physical Science (paraprofessional)alemos@chicousd.org; 530-891-3050 M-F 1:24 pm-3:35 pm; W 1:44 pm-3:35 pm

Angel Yang

at Wyandotte Academy in Oroville

Special exception: paraprofessional fulfilling service hours using regular experience as an employee of Wyandotte Academy.  Mentor Teacher: Kathy Pietak, PrincipalPhone Number: 530-532-3007Email: kpietak@ocesd.net Placement Day/Times: N/A - paraprofessional 

Angela Herrick

at Chico High School in Chico

SDC TeacherAHerrick@chicousd.org; 530-891-3026 x30204 9/29, 10/11 & 10/13, 1:30 pm-3:30 pm; 10/5, 10/7, 10/19, 10/21, 11/2, 11/4, 11/30, 12/2, 8:30 am-10:00 am; 10/15, 12:30 pm-2:30 pm

Angela Hidalgo-Garcia

at Hamilton Elementary School in Hamilton City

Special exception: volunteer fulfilling service hours using regular experience through placement at Hamilton Elementary School via the Chico State MiniCorps program.  Mentor Teacher: Maria Elena AlvarezPhone Number: 530-210-7436Email: mealvarez@husdschools.org  Placement Day/Times: Fridays, 8:00 am-12:30 pm

Angie Verar

at CORE Butte High School in Chico

AG; M/W 11:00 am-3:00 pm  averar@corebutte.org

Anna Canon

at Orland High School in Orland

9th-12th Agricultureacanon@orlandusd.net; 530-228-8502 Thursdays

Anna Feil

at Dewey Elementary in San Diego

TK-4th Grade Special Education - Moderate/Severeafeil@sandi.net; 619-430-1800

Ashley Hautala

at Hamilton High School in Hamilton City

9th-12th grades, AgricultureAHautala@husdschools.org; 707-357-0290 F 8:00 am-12:30 pm

Ashley Hoffman

at Chico Jr. High School in Chico

Special Day Classroomahoffman@chicousd.org; 530-693-8051 MF 10:00 am-12:30 pm

Ashlyn Lauchland

at Rio Vista High School in Rio Vista

Metal ShopAbartlett@rdusd.org; 209-373-7735 F, 7:45 am-3 pm

Austin King

at Marsh Jr. High School in Chico

Music; Grades 5-12 (Band, Chorus, and Drumming)aking@chicousd.org; 530-895-4110 M 8 am-10 am; W 9 am-10 am

Austin Weatherby

at Orland High School in Orland

Agricultureaweatherby@orlandusd.net; 209-663-8837