Valley Oak Children's Services [inactive]

Program Information

Valley Oak Children’s Services, Inc. is a private non-profit agency serving Butte County, California. Our primary function is to make child care more accessible to parents while encouraging quality care situations for families in our area.

Valley Oak Children's Services (VOCS) is beginning a new program funded by Butte First 5 to implement Parent Cafe's in Butte County. The goals of this program are to create welcoming spaces for parents to come together and support positive parenting practices. Parent Cafes are based on the Chicago Model designed to introduce the Strengthening Families Principles and Support the 5 protective factors.

VOCS also has a Behavioral Health program that provides 1:1 treatment to children ages 2-5 in child care settings. This is designed to intervene with young children who are at risk of losing child care placements due to behavior issues.

Providing intervention increases social emotional skills and prepares them for school success. We use interns to implement Second Step as an anti-bullying curriculum to reinforce healthy social/emotional skills for the entire classroom.

Interns at VOCS must be flexible and organized and confident in working on their own after they are trained. Our environment is fast-paced and unpredictable. We look for interns who are job-ready and will ask for help when needed. We offer an agency-wide and job specific orientation for interns.

Agency requires criminal background check/fingerprinting, own care with evidence of insurance, prefer Spanish bilingual.

Health & Safety
Additional requirements and/or considerations
  • Background Check (e.g. fingerprinting/livescan, driving record)
  • Driver's License
3120 Cohasset Road #6
Chico, CA 95973
United States
Social Work
Organization type 
Human, Social, or Employment Services (Nonprofit)
Focus Population(s)
Focus Area(s)