Physical Therapy Aide/TrainerAt — MaxPerformGo
Students will have the opportunity to work alongside PT's and other healthcare professionals to work with and train athletes and the general population. The student will observe and help take the patients through Mobility/Flexibility/Musculoskeletal Screens, stretch based therapy, as well as perform sports metrics and strength training.
How to properly screen an individual to determine their ROM deficits and the consequences of those deficits as well as exercises and manual stretching to assist in rehabilitating that individual. They will learn different co-morbidities that are common in the clinic and what to look for and how to fix the issue. They will have extensive knowledge into the mechanics of different sports and strengthening the musculature associated.
Student will be trained in clinic with the help of our PTA as well as our PT. They will observe and receive proper education on how to stretch a patient and handle each limb to ensure no harm will be done. They will do a treatment on the PT and PTA before doing hand on therapy with any patients.
Pt confidentially will be heavily enforced to ensure HIPAA regulations. No videos or pictures allowed by the student as well as not using pt names if another person besides staff is in the clinic.
Type | Frequency | Amount | Explanation | Show to students? |
Hourly Pay | bi-weekly | 15 | No |
Hours | Duration |
15 | hours per week |