Software/Automation InternAt — BioForceTech Corporation
Opportunity Summary
Develop algorithms for the industrial automation (Plexus API, PHP based) - Work on optimizing an in-memory database data management system (PHP, JSON, Linux FileSystem, SQLite) - Debug and optimize the front end portion of the automation software (PHP, JS, jQuery, HTML, CSS) - Work on minor tasks for the company website/web apps (PHP, JS, jQuery, HTML, CSS)
Opportunity Learning Outcomes
Learn in and outs of automation process, software security of IoT, electronics and relays workings
Opportunity Training
Working under Dario Pressizi, co-op coding session, weekly brainstorming , meeting.
Compensation Details
Type | Frequency | Amount | Explanation | Show to students? |
Hourly Pay | weekly | 20 | No |
Location Type
Hybrid (combination of on-site and remote)
United States
Expected Hours
Hours | Duration |
20 | hours per week |
Students required to have a personal vehicle
Fees students may incur with this opportunity
Background Check (e.g., fingerprinting, live scans, driving record)
This opportunity provides some form of compensation
Opportunity Availability