Monterey Peace and Justice Center (MPJC)
The Monterey Peace and Justice Center is built around a common desire to cultivate peace, social justice, nonviolence, democracy, diversity, and environmental sustainability in our community and the world through education and advocacy. The facility at 1364 Fremont Blvd in Seaside is a hub for the many participating organizations working to defend and protect democratic rights and create a just and peaceful world. This community includes activists from more than a dozen local organizations, including United Nations Association/Monterey Bay Chapter, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Veterans for Peace Chapter 46, Peace Corps (Returned) Volunteers of Monterey Bay, Communities for a Sustainable Monterey County, Fridays for Future (MIIS), and other organizations advancing nonviolent solutions to the problems facing humankind. A wide variety of events, programs, and classes are held at the Center, where networking and partnerships among the groups is encouraged.
Current programs at the Monterey Peace and Justice Center include:
Peace Central: The Monterey Peace and Justice Center serves as a venue and clearinghouse for activities by groups aligned with MPJC’s peace and justice mission. Activities have included guest speaker events, panel forums, sign-making meet ups, letter-writing workshops, film screenings, book study groups, candidate forums, community singing, activist trainings, and more. MPJC also shares resources with partner community groups — everything from computers and internet access to tablecloths and sound equipment. The Community Bulletin Board is a focal point at the Center and is used by individuals and organizations to promote peace and justice events in the area. The Weekly Peace Calendar published jointly by MPJC and the Peace Coalition of Monterey County. It is emailed to a wide distribution each week and lists events in Monterey, Santa Cruz, and beyond. The calendar can be found at
Window on the World: provides a forum for discussions that address issues such as violence, inequality, poverty, racism, sexism, and the abuse of power on local and global fronts. MPJC staff, volunteers, and partner organizations collaborate with the aim of understanding the issues, formulating actions, and effectively “speaking truth to power”, informed by sound learning.
Art Gallery: using meaningful and impactful arts to advance social justice, cultural diversity, and the natural environment. The frequently changing art exhibits empower local artists to speak with a different voice about issues. Through various mediums of expression, their works humanize injustices and raise consciousness through their shared experiences and traditions.
CSUMB Service Learning: As a long-time Service Learning Partner, MPJC can provide students with hands-on learning opportunities that make a difference in the community. MPJC project coordinators will work with students to fulfill their
service requirements based on curriculum, interests and abilities, and with consideration for class and work schedules. Students are encouraged to develop their own educational events, forums, and programs around any number of topics
such as social and economic justice, racism, non-violent conflict resolution, criminal justice reform, gender inequality, and environmental sustainability.
Library – Reading Room: MPJC’s free lending library of books and DVDs has a concentration on social issues, history, and politics. The Center is open weekly on Wednesday afternoon, 1:00 - 5:30 pm. The public is welcome to drop in to
browse the selection, sit and read, or use the computers for research. Free WiFi is available.
Discussion of potentially triggering topics such as prisons, police brutality, war, and violence.
MPJC is committed to providing a safe and productive environment for students the field program. Students will complete a tour of the site at 1364 Fremont Boulevard in Seaside to ensure that the student is aware of all relevant safety policies and emergency procedures and is able to act responsibly in case of an emergency.
- Computer Literacy