Other Staff Support

For help with the following programs please contact:

Community Based Learning: Please submit a help ticket through this link and the Community Engagement Analyst, Pamela Palacios, will contact you,  https://www.csun.edu/undergraduate-studies/community-engagement/service-learning-student-help-center or call Comunity Engagement at 818-677-7395.

Field Trip: Candice Liu 818-677-4568 candiceliu@csun.edu

Academic Internship: Paul Lazarony paul.lazarony@csun.edu 

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S4 Training Course

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Additional Help and Information about S4

CalState S4 — A Brief Overview

Getting Started: A Step-by-Step Guide for Implementing S4

Creating your account on CalStateS4.com — this Help Doc is no longer in use while we move to email tickets and an SSO solution for the Help Desk.

S4 Serenity Tenets

Adding a catch-all email to your program

Custom Message Areas

Executive Summary 2017