4-H Youth Development


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—The CalState S4 Team

Organization Description

The University of California’s sixty-four Cooperative Extension offices are local problem-solving centers. We are the bridge between local issues and the power of UC research. Our county-based staff is part of the community – we live and work in the areas we serve.

As part of the agricultural community, we help farmers develop more-efficient growing methods, solve pest management problems, and develop crops and irrigation methods that use less water.

As advocates for healthy communities, we promote healthy diets and exercise for better health, help Californians learn to choose the most nutritious foods, and help shape the citizens of tomorrow through the 4-H Youth Development Program.

Volunteers extend the reach of our work through the Master Gardener Program, the Master Food Preserver Program, and the California 4-H Youth Development Program.

As stewards of the land, we help develop smart water-use strategies and help preserve natural areas, landscapes, and farmland.

We are stewards, problem-solvers, catalysts, collaborators, and educators.

Program Information

The purpose of the 4-H Youth Development program is to help young people discover and develop their potential and grow into competent, contributing, and caring citizens. Learn by doing activities, youth-adult partnerships, and research-based educational programs help young people enhance their leadership abilities and develop a wide range of other life skills. In 4-H there is something for everyone.  In Sacramento County we have 16 Community Clubs providing more than 50 different projects.  We also have active camp and after school science programs. 

Health & Safety

4-H serves youth 5-19 years.

Students will serve as volunteers in our programs. We provide training, on-going coaching and evaluation. We seek dialogue to assure that needs are meet both for the student and the organization.

Additional requirements and/or considerations
  • Background Check (e.g. fingerprinting/livescan, driving record)
  • Fingerprinting or Livescan is Required
4145 Branch Center Road
Sacramento, CA 95827
United States
General Phone 
Student Contact 
Ryan Harris
Job Title
Controller's Office
Academic Internships
Service Learning
Hospitality and Tourism Mgmt.
Recreation Administration
Organization type 
Agriculture or Manufacturing (Government)
Focus Population(s)
College Students, Teens/Young Adults
Focus Area(s)
Animal Welfare, Civic Engagement, Education, Health & Medicine, Natural Resources, the Environment, and Ecosystems
Hours of operation 

Times vary depending on project work. It may includes evenings and weekends.

Maximum students