Compton Youthbuild


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Organization Description

Compton YouthBuild is sponsored by EntreNous Youth Empowerment Services Inc. Operating as a nonprofit, nonpartisan enterprise, EntreNous Youth Empowerment Services' mission is to provide rigorous educational and vocational opportunities for at-promise people who are invested in creating a sustainable future for themselves, their families and communities.

Our program goals include:

  • Engage young people in meaningful learning opportunities that expand their understanding of the community and world they live in.
  • Offer educational, vocational and post-secondary readiness preparation that lead to a sustainable life for themselves and their families.
  • Support young people as they face a myriad of obstacles in society.
  • Engage in active, authentic and meaningful dialog on community issues.
  • Promote cross-cultural leadership by appreciating and respecting each other's beliefs, culture and space.
  • Provide young people with a deeper understanding of leadership capacities.
  • Develop leaders who are confident in their skills and abilities to identify, act on and improve challenges in their communities.


Contacts expires: 

If contract expired, or is about to expire, please contract SLICE at 310.243.2438. 

Program Information

Compton YouthBuild - Chicano/a students only

CHS 496S, Internship in Chicana/o Studies Internship Agreement; Students will each complete a total of 120 hours of service with Compton YouthBuild 

Health & Safety

To be discussed during orientation. 

Additional requirements and/or considerations
  • Must be 18 or older
  • Driver's License
477 East Compton Blvd.
Compton, CA 90221
United States
General Phone 
Service Learning
Organization type 
Education - Alternative School ()
Focus Population(s)
Focus Area(s)
Education, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Social Justice
Hours of operation 

Depending on assisgnment

Additional site tags 
Academic Mentoring
Minimum required hours