Community Asset Development Redefining Education (CADRE)
The Injury and Health Support Unit acts as the liaison to all Department members to facilitate an employee healing process so they can return to work following an injury or illness. They are available to respond to all questions relating to claims processing and employee benefits for Department employees and their families. The Injury and Health Support Unit staff also monitors Department employees who are absent from work due to a work-related injury or illness and assist with workers compensation process.
Employees may request a workers' compensation injury/illness claim at any time and for any reason. By law, regardless of the circumstances, the employer is required to take the report. However, to receive workers' compensation benefits, there must be a nexus of the injury/illness to employment. This nexus is determined by the Sheriff's Department's third party administrator, York Risk Services Group, or through civil litigation. It is critical an Employee Injury/Illness Master Form Packet is completed and a comprehensive investigation into the injury/illness is accomplished in a timely manner.
Supervisors are reminded all employee issues related to injury or illness must be addressed, not only from a workers' compensation perspective, if applicable, but from Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) perspectives. ADA/FEHA are Federal and State laws that often overlap workers' compensation laws and currently expose our Department to the highest risk of civil litigation.
After hours, the Injury and Health Support Unit is available through the "On-Call" Injury and Health Support Unit representative for urgent questions or in cases of serious injury, hospitalization, or death. The representative can be reached through Sheriff's Information Bureau.
Contract expires: 01/21/20
If contract expired, or is about to expire, please contract SLICE at 310.243.2438.
Maisie Chin
Executive Director/Co-Founder
323.752.9997, ext. 311 phone
Milagros Giron
Program Coordinator/Community Organizer
323.752.9997, ext. 326 phone
Edgar Ibarria
Community Organizer
323.752.9997, ext. 317 phone
Felicia Jones
Deputy Director
323.752.9997, ext. 324 phone