JusticeCorps is a multiple-award-winning national service program that has helped over one million Californians find access to justice over the past 12 years. Building on this legacy of success, this year more than 300 AmeriCorps members will volunteer to serve people coming to court without an attorneys, who are trying to resolve crucial legal matters affecting their family, housing, personal safety, and financial stability. JusticeCorps members serve in court-based self-help centers in the Bay Area, Los Angeles and San Diego educating litigants on their legal options and potential outcomes. By providing neutral assistance—not legal advice—JusticeCorps members empower litigants to make the best choice for their particular case. Funded by the California Judicial Branch and an AmeriCorps grant through CaliforniaVolunteers. JusticeCorps recruits and trains 300 college students and recent graduates annually to help self-represented litigants navigate the court system. JusticeCorps was launched as a pilot program in Los Angeles County in 2004, expanded to the Bay Area in fall 2006, and then to San Diego in fall 2007. Collectively, the program’s regions serve more than 50% of California’s residents, striving toward the Judicial Branch’s goal of access to justice for all. JusticeCorps is a program of the California Courts, administered by CaliforniaVolunteers and sponsored by the Corporation for National and Community Service Special Note: Application is needed. Please contact representative for more information. |
- Must be 18 or older
- Background Check (e.g. fingerprinting/livescan, driving record)
- Computer Literacy
- Pre-Placement Training