Go For Broke National Education Center


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Organization Description

A decade of dedication

In 1989, the 100th/442nd/MIS World War II Memorial Foundation was established. Over the next ten years, the Foundation worked tirelessly to raise awareness about the Nisei veterans. They held their first teachers' training workshop, began an oral history program, and through a grassroots movement, raised funds for a monument to honor their fellow Nisei veterans.

A monumental task accomplished

On June 5, 1999, the Go For Broke Monument was dedicated in Los Angeles. Reflecting their motto to "go for broke," or give it their all, the granite monument remains a striking tribute to the Nisei soldiers who fought overseas in World War II. With the monument in place, the Foundation shifted its focus to preserving the veterans' histories so that others might learn from their experiences.

Program Information

We welcome volunteers of all ages and skill levels. Whether you are a full-time student needing service credits, a busy executive who wants to give back to the community in your spare hours, or a retiree looking for opportunities as you embark on the next chapter of your life, we have a wide variety of volunteer opportunities to suit your interests.

Here are just some of the ways you can help preserve and share the Japanese American soldier experience:

  • Oral History Crew - Our Hanashi Oral History Program needs you! Projects include assisting as one of the following: interviewer, videographer, audio technician, or cataloguer.
  • Oral History Transcriber - Are you a good listener and pretty quick on a keyboard? Then maybe transcribing our oral history interviews is perfect for you. Our volunteers get hooked: many say it feels like they've sat down for a long chat with a veteran. We provide the training.
  • Oral History Researchers - Have a keen eye and ear? You may be interested in viewing taped interviews in search of specific content.
  • Historical Researchers - Like history? Research? Creating unique historical programs and projects to keep the 100/442/MIS legacy alive? Our Programs Department might need your help.
  • Docents at the Go For Broke Monument - Enjoy meeting people from across our nation and around the world? Tens of thousands visit the Go For Broke Monument every year, and many have questions about the legacy of the Nisei soldiers of World War II. We provide docent training.
  • Exhibit Ambassadors - Enjoy talking with people and sharing the history of the Japanese American World War II experience with others? Be a docent in our new interpretive exhibition and an ambassador for our story! We provide training.
  • Collections Volunteer - Like working with historical photographs and documents? Our archivists are always on the look out for people with the aptitude and patience to digitize and catalog historical materials.
  • Digital Media - Interested in computers and Web applications? We have projects that need attention, like creating computer streaming video files from taped interviews.
  • Data Entry - Our donor community keeps growing - and sometimes donors move so we are constantly updating our donor information.
  • Office/Clerical - There are always ways to help around a busy office: answering phones, assisting with mailings, filing, and much more.
  • Special Events - Available to volunteer on a one-time or as-needed basis? Part of a group that wants to chip in together? Throughout the year we need help with various events such as film screenings, receptions, gala dinners, and community programs.

Got other ideas on how we can use your time and talents? Let us know!

Health & Safety
355 E. First Street, Suite 200
Los Angeles, CA 90012
United States
General Phone 
Service Learning
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