Ceremonies and Events


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Program Information

As part of the University Advancement team, the Office of University Ceremonies and Events designs, produces and manages events for the university and extends a high standard of hospitality to our guests. The office plans and produces events for University Advancement, including donor, community, and alumni events. The office also handles high-profile university events and events for the Office of the President, including annual Commencement and other public ceremonies, and campus-wide celebrations. We provide a wide array of services and consulting to the campus community that include:

  • Event concept development
  • Planning and coordination
  • Guidelines for event protocol
  • Referrals for event facilities, caterers, and other vendors
Health & Safety
1000 E. Victoria Street
Carson, CA 90747
United States
General Phone 
Service Learning
Organization type 
Education - College or University (Private/For-profit)
Focus Population(s)
Focus Area(s)
Animal Welfare, Arts, Culture, and Humanities, Civic Engagement, Education, Natural Resources, the Environment, and Ecosystems, Health & Medicine, Food & Housing Security, Emergency Services & Public Safety, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Social Justice
Hours of operation 

Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Additional site tags 
Ceremonies and Events, CSUDH
Minimum required hours 
Maximum students