American Liver Foundation

Organization Description

The mission of the American Liver Foundation is to facilitate, advocate and promote education, support and research for the prevention, treatment and cure of liver disease. The Pacific Coast Division serves San Diego County, Imperial Valley and Hawaii. We provide a wide variety of services including local resources and referrals, educational programs, support groups, community events, and volunteer opportunities in your community.

Program Information

PRIMARY FUNCTION: The Special Events Intern will report to and support the Division Events Manager in strategic planning, and assisting with the development, coordination and implementation of all Division special events and programs. This individual will implement a plan of work to ensure the successful achievement of events – fundraising and outreach goals. Additional duties include the daily operations of the Division, as needed. ALF seeks a 6-month commitment. Approximate time would be 4-8 hours per week, with flexibility on the day(s) selected. MAJOR DUTIES AND RESPONSOBILITES: • Assist with online research and outreach of potential event sponsors (in-kind, cash, etc.) • Assist with recruitment calls for Liver Life Walk • Assist with customer service inquires • Assist with the coordination of fundraising events, programs and activities (Walk, Flavors, etc.) • Assist with the management of relationships with external vendors and event partners • Division administrative duties as needed • Prepare tax receipt letter to special event donors • Other tasks/projects, as assigned

Health & Safety
Additional requirements and/or considerations
  • Must be 18 or older
  • Background Check (e.g. fingerprinting/livescan, driving record)
  • Computer Literacy
  • Driver's License
  • RISK: Event Set-up - Risk includes but not limited to: Lifting, cuts, bruises, etc.
5230 Carroll Canyon Road, Suite 108
San Diego, CA 92121
United States
General Phone 
(619) 291-5483 Ext. 
Student Contact 
Lauren Smith
Job Title
Events Manager
(619) 291-5483 Ext. 
Center for Community Engagement
Organization type 
Healthcare Facility or Network (Nonprofit)
Focus Population(s)
People Experiencing Illness
Focus Area(s)
Health & Medicine
Minimum required hours 
Maximum students