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Send e-mail reminders to Students
Adding sites to a course | Video
Search for sites with campus agreements
Please also refer to the FAQ for additional troubleshooting assistance.
Parent Organization & Program Sites Overview
Create and Manage Parent Organization
Create and Manage Program Sites
Updating content using a Framework Form
Organization Types (COMING SOON!)
Focus Areas (COMING SOON!)
Mapping new Sector/Organization Types and Focus Areas to the old terminology
FAQ Walkthrough: Adopting Opportunities, how much work is it for staff?
FAQ Walkthrough: Adopting Opportunities, is the student placement process more complicated?
Add or Edit Log Entries | Additional Log Entries documentation
Short-Term Agreement Set-Up & Student Process
Sending "Contract Expiring" Notification Emails
Request to Initiate Partnership, Risk Review and Agreement Execution Process
New Partner Process Walk-through | RTIP Introductory Training [WoW 6.3.20]
Request to Initiate Partnership Form Overview
Setting up an RTIP form and risk review process
Agreements Overview & Online Execution Setup | How to add a University-Agency Agreement to a Parent Site
Enabling a Systemwide partner for your campus/program
Please also refer to the FAQ for additional troubleshooting assistance.