U-Turn Alcohol and Drug Education Program


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Organization Description

Alcohol and drug program that deals with those who have abused substances. This programs also deals with family and childrens services which include: helping fill out court letters and provides counseling. This program is Medical based which means they work with low income individuals in need of their assitance. They provide services on how to look for jobs, create resumes and over all employment skills.


Program Information

- Just started working with local elemetary and middle schools around our campus.

- Internships will involve having the students sit in at one of their many counseling groups sessions that they offer for substance abusers. With adittional training, interns will be able to participate in intakes, treatment plans and even in facilitating the counceling meetings.

-Once students are hierd as interns, they have the possibility of being hierd as possible future employees. Students are selected based on their producrtivity and willingness to help those in need of counseling.

-If interested in applpying for this internship, please email your resume and cover letter to Ruffus Marshall at rmarshalluturn@gmail.com or call the main number listed bellow.

Health & Safety
Additional requirements and/or considerations
  • Background Check (e.g. fingerprinting/livescan, driving record)
  • TB Test
United States
Organization type 
Focus Population(s)
Children/Youth, People Experiencing Material Poverty
Focus Area(s)
Civic Engagement, Equitable Economic & Workforce Development, Education, Health & Medicine
Additional Focus Area(s)
Activism, Wellness Education Programs, Substance Abuse
Hours of operation 

- If accepted as an intern, you are required to do a minimum of fours hours per week.

Minimum required hours 
Maximum students