Organization Description The mission of the Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy (PVPLC) is to "preserve land and restore habitat for the education and enjoyment of all." The Conservancy preserves undeveloped land as open space for historical, educational, ecological, recreational and scenic purposes. Since its founding in 1988, the Conservancy has successfully preserved 1,600 acres of open space on the Palos Verdes Peninsula. The Conservancy's vision is the creation and management of large blocks of natural open space where visitors may enjoy peaceful solitude, where children and adults can learn about the natural environment, and where native plants and animals can thrive.
Program Information The following Internships are available year round until filled. Students can pick one area to focus or combine internships: Native Garden Internship Assist in the development and maintenance of White Point Nature Center’s Native Plant Garden. The garden demonstrates how native plants are beneficial for the environment. Saturdays from 10am to 4pm. Media Internship Help enhance communications for the Conservancy. Tasks can include drafting articles and press releases, researching outreach and media opportunities, document design, website and email distribution and posting on social media. Any week day. Restoration Program Internship Assist Conservancy staff in maintaining and monitoring restoration projects and lead volunteer days with the public at various Preserves to help enhance wildlife habitat. Fridays and Saturdays. Naturalist Internship Interns will work with managing Naturalists at George F. Canyon and White Point Nature Centers. Tasks will include supporting onsite education programs, maintaining exhibits and educational materials, as well as trail and demonstration garden monitoring and maintenance. Either Wed, Fri, Sat, or Sunday. Field and Nursery Internship Assist staff with a variety of habitat restoration projects. Work can be conducted on the preserves or at the native plant nursery. Tasks can include aiding in the management of nature preserves, planting native species, invasive plant control, native seed collection, plant identification, and plant propagation. Any week day.