24hr KPOP-TV


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Organization Description

24hr KPOP-TV is a network television company based in San Francisco. Our programming is carried to more than 5 million viewers over multiple tv stations, satellite, cable tv, streaming apps, and mobile devices in San Francisco and Los Angeles. At our main studios in San Francisco we produce our daily programming, schedule traffic for our stations, plan, write, produce upcoming interviews and programs, and on Saturdays we bring in interns to learn all aspects of television including the technical side, some engineering, production, writing, and operations of a 24-7 tv network facility. We are the only internship in television where the interns can actually say their hard work was broadcast on network television to multiple commercial television markets. Many of our past interns have gone on to work in other media in television or related fields as producers, writers and videographers. Our work has been honored multiple times for our documentaries that our interns have produced. We work with local dignitaries and KPOP celebities on a regular basis as part of our news coverage. KPOP-TV is the largest KPOP terrestrial broadcast network in the US and serves to offer our viewers KPOP and Korean Culture to the English speaking market as an additional media choice in television.

Program Information

Each intern shall be trained in marketing, business, production, directing, editing, audio, and technical duties as part of the basic program. Our hope is that exiting interns will have developed useful hands-on experience. We offer a good balance of hands-on training over theory so that our interns can walk away with the confidence and motor memory skills that make them fast, thoughtful, efficient, and excellent problem solvers when it counts on a live set and are well tuned to the needs of the production.

Health & Safety

Videos and photos must be cleared and approved.

Additional requirements and/or considerations
  • Computer Literacy
  • SITE REQUIREMENT: Students are not allowed to take pictures or video.
  • SITE REQUIREMENT: Students will be asked to sign a confidentiality waiver.
PO Box 475346
San Francisco, CA 94147
United States
General Phone 
(415) 209-5767 Ext. 
Organization type 
Focus Population(s)
Focus Area(s)