L.A. County Probation Department Intern Program


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Organization Description

The internship consists of college students, who pass a background check with the L.A. County Probation Department and become Volunteers in Service to Others (VISTO), working (non-paid) with Juvenile and/or Adult probationers in schools in the Southeast section of Los Angeles and/ or the Long Beach Probation Office. Interns will be exposed to working directly with convicted felons on probation or adjudicated youth on probation and are closely monitored by an Intern Coordinator, SDPO Lead Officers (Probation Supervisors), and several Deputy Probation Officers (DPOs). The interns learn Probation protocols, legal terms and Court procedures, supervision skills, and how to become a Deputy Probation Officer in Los Angeles County.

Program Information

Working directly with Juvenile and Adult Probationers along with Deputy Probation Officers and Probation Supervisors in local schools, continuation schools, and the Long Beach Juvenile Day Reporting Center. Some interns will also work at the Long Beach Probation Office and will learn from Deputy Probation Officers and Probation Supervisors and how to work with Adult probationers who are assigned to Domestic Violence, Gender-Specific, Sex-Offender, Narcotic, Medium and High Risk, AB109, Coordinated Optimal Rehabilitative Efforts. The interns will learn techniques to de-escalate irate, mentally ill, and other issues with probationers. They will also be exposed to new therapeutic programs offered to probationers. The interns will also learn techniques on how to successfully work with probation youth. Successful interns also receive letters of recommendation for any fields they are applying for, such as law enforcement, social work, human services, psychological services, and related fields.

Health & Safety

Interns are not expected to be involved in any situations where their safety is in jeopardy. The student interns are expected to be on time and to pay careful attention to all safety and policy protocols, especially confidentiality rules. Interns should not attend the internship and notify staff if they are ill. Due to the population we work with, the interns are to dress modestly and professionally. Until further notice, we do not have ride along opportunities with DPOs at this time. The internship is considerably safe for interns when all safety protocols are adhered to.

Additional requirements and/or considerations
  • Background Check (e.g. fingerprinting/livescan, driving record)
  • Must be 18 or older
  • Pre-Placement Training
275 Magnolia Avenue, Ste. 1985
Long Beach, CA 90802
United States
Organization type 
Focus Population(s)
Focus Area(s)
Civic Engagement, Education, Food & Housing Security, Emergency Services & Public Safety, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Social Justice
Minimum required hours 
Maximum students