Program Information Adult Outpatient Centers provide assessment, diagnosis, and treatment to individuals requiring mental health or dual diagnosis treatment. The outpatient treatment team consists of trained professionals including psychiatrists, licensed therapists, psychiatric technicians, counselors, and support staff. Focus areas include mental health and substance abuse assessment, psychiatric assessment and evaluation for medication, medication monitoring, limited individual counseling, group counseling, bilingual counseling services, interpreter services, benefits services, and community services referral.
As an MSW intern, you will carry your own caseload of individuals to case manage (as a BSW intern, you will be able to assist other case managers but not carry your own caseload). As their case manager, you are often their primary support system and are responsible for helping them in areas of housing, employment, social relationships, and community participation. You will make home visits and accompany them to their psychiatry appointments (every 3 months). Many of the adults in this program are either under LPS Conservatorship or have a representative payee. In that case, you will also need to coordinate with these entities in regards to their treatment. You will be responsible for completing their annual treatment plans, assessments, and making sure that their file is under compliance. You will be trained in AVATAR (the biling software the county uses) and bill for the services you provide.
The opportunity is also available to occasionally go over to the non-case-management side of Chico Outpatient and sit in on screening clinic (where the person is assessed for appropriateness of services) and in post-PHF appointments (people who have just spent some time in the psychiatric health facility). This internship is mostly case management and would not be appropriate for someone who is looking for a clinically-based internship.