Sunset Marketplace/Warehouse storingAt — Love Never Fails

Opportunity Summary 

Organization Name Love Never Fails

Opportunity/Position Title Sunset Marketplace/Warehouse storing

Position Summary/Description (please incl. days/hours)

The days for this position can vary, but usually are fridays and saturdays, sorting through clothes and moving items. Some people are asked to hold signs to help promote.

How can students apply for your current opportunity? (Please provide instructions in the field below): [empty]

Type of service: Community Restoration (neighborhood clean ups, light manual projects)

Fingerprinting/Background Check Required Yes

Site Supervisor Name Felicia Medrano

Site Supervisor Email

Site Supervisor Phone Number 209-691-3414 ext.

Is this position: In Person (on-site)

If this opportunity is in-person, please list the locations/cities below: hayward,ca

Number of open positions 5

Minimum hours requested 2

Position(s) are for: (click all that apply)

  • Fall Semester
  • Spring Semester
  • Summer Semester

Posted: 9/2/2021

Center for Community Engagement
Location Type 
United States
Expected Hours 
2hours per week
Students required to have a personal vehicle 
Fees students may incur with this opportunity 
Background Check (e.g., fingerprinting, live scans, driving record)
This opportunity provides some form of compensation 
Opportunity Availability 
Community Engagement