Physical Therapy internshipAt — Ironhorse Physical Therapy and Pilates
Opportunity Summary
Internship opportunity for students looking to go into a physical therapy career. You will earn credit hours and learn how a small office is run and observe skilled therapists treating patients.
Opportunity Learning Outcomes
How to market and create educational posts on social media to attract new clients, how an office is run, interacting & scheduling clients and learn the different methods therapists use to treat clients.
Opportunity Training
Training documents will be shared and on-site training will be provided by another intern or main contact person.
Additional risk specific to this opportunity
Covid screening daily
Location Type
United States
Expected Hours
Hours | Duration |
12 | hours per week |
Students required to have a personal vehicle
Fees students may incur with this opportunity
No Fees will be incurred by students
This opportunity provides some form of compensation
Opportunity Availability