Resource Center Intern At — Southern Humboldt Family Resource Center
Provide individualized services in accordance with the unique potentials and needs of each child and family, guided by a strengths-based planning process and an individualized service plan developed in true partnership with the child and family.
Deliver services and supports within the least restrictive and most normative environments that are clinically appropriate. Ensure that families, other caregivers and youth are full partners in all aspects of the planning and delivery of their own services. Including family and youth voice in development and implementation of policies and procedures that govern care for children and youth in their organization.
Practice care management at the service level to ensure that multiple services are delivered in a coordinated and therapeutic manner and that children and their families can move through the system of services in accordance with their changing needs.
Direct supervision from MSW director. Trainings will be attended as needed and available. Observation and co-facilitation will be used as needed. Skill preparation and intense de-briefing after activities or events as needed.