Institute for Methods Innovation
Organization Description
The Institute for Methods Innovation is a scientific, non-profit institute with an objective to expand thinking, advance learning and promote discovery of high-quality social research and evaluation methods, authoritative guidelines and organizational best practice.
Health & Safety
Additional requirements and/or considerations - Computer Literacy
- Must be 18 or older
- SITE REQUIREMENT: Site prefers (or has had contact with) students from a particular major or academic program, or with specific coursework completed (If so, please indicate above Special Instructions).
- SITE REQUIREMENT: Students will be asked to sign a confidentiality waiver.
1752 Charles Ave
Arcata, CA 95521
United States General Phone
General Email
Student Contact
Organization type
Research Institute (Nonprofit)
Focus Population(s)
Adults, Companies/Institutions
Focus Area(s)
Education, Research and Development, Science or Technology
Hours of operation
We operate on a remote working basis, with flexible hours. The working hours can be adapted to the schedule of the research intern. We are based in the US, Europe and Asia, so the normal hours of operation stretch to nearly 24 hours.
Maximum students