InternshipAt — West Valley Construction

Opportunity Summary 

We offer summer and winter internships.

Opportunity Learning Outcomes 

What it is like to work in the field as a project engineer and project manager.

Opportunity Training 

The students will be trained on the day-to-day duties of a project engineer.

Additional risk specific to this opportunity 

Ok site general and site specific training will be provided depending on the site and location of work being observed.

Compensation Details 
TypeFrequencyAmountExplanationShow to students?
Hourly Payweekly20.00May vary depending on area. No
Opportunity Application Instructions 

We will provide all information pending the info session and interviews.

Location Type 
Hybrid (combination of on-site and remote)
United States
Expected Hours 
40hours per week
Students required to have a personal vehicle 
Fees students may incur with this opportunity 
No Fees will be incurred by students
This opportunity provides some form of compensation 
Opportunity Availability 