Intern for Sports Massage TherapistAt — optimal massage therapist
Opportunity Summary
If you're interested in Sports Massage Therapy or Kinesiology in general this is the internship for you. This is a small woman owned business.
Opportunity Learning Outcomes
The ins and outs of running a small business. Seeing first hand how muscle is massage in terms of sports therapy and how I administer corrective exercises with for clients.
Opportunity Training
You will be shadowing my personal training sessions, preparing equipment for personal training sessions, shadowing selected treatment sessions. I will provide the necessary training for these.
Additional risk specific to this opportunity
Dress appropriately. Meaning, my work site is at a gym, so wear gym attire clothing or loose fits so you can be mobile with me.
Location Type
United States
Expected Hours
Hours | Duration |
150 | hours per academic term |
Students required to have a personal vehicle
Fees students may incur with this opportunity
No Fees will be incurred by students
This opportunity provides some form of compensation
Opportunity Availability