Summer InternshipAt — Incrivelsoft LLC [inactive]
Opportunity Summary
Software Development , QA, DevOps, Security. We provide the training on cutting edge technologies.
Opportunity Learning Outcomes
Strong Software development and QA and DevOps skills.
Opportunity Training
Java, Cloud, Node, QA and Devops
Additional risk specific to this opportunity
Covid-19 vaccinations
Compensation Details
Type | Frequency | Amount | Explanation | Show to students? |
Stipend | monthly | 3200 | No |
Opportunity Application Instructions
Please send - I20, Passport, Resume, Any certifications
Location Type
Hybrid (combination of on-site and remote)
United States
Expected Hours
Hours | Duration |
40 | hours per week |
Students required to have a personal vehicle
Fees students may incur with this opportunity
No Fees will be incurred by students
This opportunity provides some form of compensation
Opportunity Availability