Later Years LLC Senior Care Home
Organization Description
Our purpose is to give back in quality of life, to give care towards the end of life.
Health & Safety
Additional requirements and/or considerations - Background Check (e.g. fingerprinting/livescan, driving record)
- Health Check/Screening (e.g. temperature screening, COVID-19 test)
- Must be 18 or older
- Vaccinations
- HIGH RISK: Service is one-on-one, family/home based. If yes, please indicate under Special Site Instructions where meetings will take place: public location, on campus, etc.).
- SITE REQUIREMENT: Students will be asked to sign a confidentiality waiver.
14 Arart Court
sacramento, CA 95831
United States General Phone
General Email
Center for Community Engagement
Organization type
Administrative Entity (Private/For-profit)
Focus Population(s)
Focus Area(s)
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Social Justice, Health & Medicine
Hours of operation
Monday - Sunday, 24/7
Maximum students