American Gold Star Manor

Organization Description

American Gold Star Manor provides safe, affordable housing for Long Beach Veterans, Gold Star Parents, and other qualifying older adults. Through the Long Beach Housing Authority, housing is subsidized according to resident's income level.

Program Information

American Gold Star Manor provides safe, affordable housing for Long Beach Veterans, Gold Star Parents, and other qualifying older adults. Through the Long Beach Housing Authority, housing is subsidized according to resident's income level

Health & Safety

No additional health and safety risks. 

No additional health & safety risks idenfiited. 

3021 N. Gold Star Dr.,
Administration Building
Long Beach, CA 90810
United States
Student Contact 
Anette Alvarez
Job Title
Resident Services, Programs, and Events Director

Current Opportunities

Title Program Start Date Location Type
Community Health and Analysis Assistant CHHS - Health Care Admin Internships Ongoing Hybrid (combination of on-site and remote)
CHHS - Health Care Admin Internships
Organization type 
Real Estate and Development (Nonprofit)
Focus Population(s)
People Experiencing Addiction, People Experiencing Disability, People Experiencing Material Poverty, Seniors, Veterans, Active Military and/or Military Families
Focus Area(s)
Food & Housing Security
Hours of operation 

Monday to Friday 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM

Minimum required hours 
Maximum students