Orange Coast College- Guardian Scholars Program

Organization Description


Orange Coast College serves the educational needs of a diverse local and global community. The College empowers students to achieve their goals by providing high quality, culturally responsive, and innovative programs and services through pathways leading to degrees, transfers, certificates, foundational skills, workforce development, and lifelong learning. The College promotes student development, learning, and equitable outcomes by fostering a respectful, inclusive, caring, and participatory campus climate of student engagement and academic inquiry.

Program Information

The Guardian Scholars Program at Orange Coast College is a comprehensive campus support program for students with system affiliation (aka lived experience in the Foster Care and/or Juvenile Justice Systems, as well as those who have experienced similar barriers and challenges).

We provide specialized services and support that includes but is not limited to:

  • college on-boarding (application, financial aid, registration, etc.)
  • financial resources (textbook awards, fee payment, transportation assistance, emergency grants, etc.)
  • academic counseling (major exploration, student education plan, transfer, etc.)
  • academic advising/individualized goal setting and case management (navigating college, financial literacy/budgeting, housing, employment, etc.)
  • community connection and support
Health & Safety
2701 Fairview Rd.
Watson Hall Rm 433
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
United States
General Phone 
Student Contact 
Gabrielle Ridley
Job Title
Organization type 
Education - College or University (Government)
Focus Population(s)
College Students
Focus Area(s)