Admissions CoordinatorAt — Catalight Foundation


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NOTICE: We may experience high traffic due to the beginning of the semester. If you are having issues with page loading, it is recommended that you try again before 9am or after 6pm on weekdays, or any time on the weekend. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
—The CalState S4 Team

Opportunity Summary 

Catalight’s clinical and administrative programs and training help our employees grow in the behavioral health field, including learning outcomes related to psychology, social work, counseling, or healthcare administration.


Opportunity Learning Outcomes 

Catalight’s clinical and administrative programs and training help our employees grow in the behavioral health field, including learning outcomes related to psychology, social work, counseling, or healthcare administration.

Opportunity Training 

Onboarding and annual training is required.

Compensation Details 
TypeFrequencyAmountExplanationShow to students?
Hourly Payweekly28.96No
Expected Hours 
40hours per week
Students required to have a personal vehicle 
Fees students may incur with this opportunity 
No Fees will be incurred by students
This opportunity provides some form of compensation 
Opportunity Availability 