Learning for Life Charter SchoolAt — Learning for Life Charter School

Opportunity Summary 

Learning for Life Charter School sees the intern role as a unique opportunity for interns to use their time to identity a school need which they are passionate about and developing a project that addresses that need. Interns may focus their time working with students or working with the administration if their interest is a non-profit focus. In the past interns have developed programs to address an area of need. For example, working with seniors to identify and develop post secondary plans. Another intern has worked with students to develop student activities. We serve a population of students who have typically not had a positive school experience in the past, and our role as staff is to help students re engage with their education by meeting their unique needs. We offer home visits, flexible on campus scheduling, food and other resources like counseling.

Opportunity Learning Outcomes 

Equity and Social Justice

Professional Communication

Collaboration and Ethical Leadership

Professional Development and Application

Research Methods and Information Literacy

Which concentration(s)/professional does this opportunity most align?

  • Social Work
  • Public Administration Nonprofit Management
Opportunity Training 

We have staff meetings and professional development meetings scheduled weekly. Currently these events occur on Friday mornings. Board meetings occur the last Wednesday of the month beginning at 5pm.

Location Type 
United States
Expected Hours 
6hours per week
Students required to have a personal vehicle 
Fees students may incur with this opportunity 
Background Check (e.g., fingerprinting, live scans, driving record)
TB tests
This opportunity provides some form of compensation 
Opportunity Availability 