Paralegal ManagerAt — IndUS Counsel, Inc.
Opportunity Summary
This internship will offer the student real-life skills in training and supervising paralegals while gaining an opportunity to work directly with the firm's leadership.
Opportunity Learning Outcomes
management skills, legal drafting, negotiation, and client contact and other inter-personal skills.
Opportunity Training
Training in legal drafting, research, client contact, supervision of subordinates, and direct professional work experience with senior management.
Additional risk specific to this opportunity
IT related security protocols.
Compensation Details
Type | Frequency | Amount | Explanation | Show to students? |
Hourly Pay | scheduled | 30 | Yes |
Location Type
Hybrid (combination of on-site and remote)
United States
Expected Hours
Hours | Duration |
20 | hours per week |
Students required to have a personal vehicle
Fees students may incur with this opportunity
No Fees will be incurred by students
This opportunity provides some form of compensation
Opportunity Availability