Program Information Program description updated: 10/24/16
Program approved for: BASW [X] 1st-Year MSW [X] 2nd-Year MSW [X]
Parent Agency Name: Department of Aging and Adult Services
Parent Agency Address: 1650 Mission St. 5th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103
Parent Agency Phone Number: (415) 355-3555
Program Phone Number: (415) 355-3681
Agency/Program Website Address:
Internship Contact Person: Valerie Coleman
Contact's Phone Number: 415-355-3681
Contact Email Address:
Program Description:
Developing, implementing and evaluating an Age and Disability Friendly (ADF) Plan for San Francisco. Based on a framework established by the World Health Organization, this is a citywide comprehensive and collaborative planning process that begins with developing a baseline assessment and from that, an action plan that includes measurable recommendations. After the action plan is released, implementation will take three years, followed by an evaluation of recommendations and a new draft of the action plan. The Age and Disability Friendly plan will be an ongoing iterative process and thereby a tool by which city agencies, community members, academic institutions, businesses, and nonprofit organizations can advocate for and implement meaningful changes that will contribute to a city that is accessible, safe and welcoming for all San Francisco seniors and adults with disabilities.
Primary Issues that the Program Addresses:
This plan addresses how to improve San Francisco citywide for all seniors and adults with disabilities, focusing on 8 domains, including: housing, transportation, employment and economic security, disaster management and resiliency, community services and health systems, engagement & inclusion, communication, info and technology, and outdoor spaces and buildings.
To accomplish this work, the effort requires a considerable amount of community engagement, program development, project management, program evaluation, quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis, and partnership building.
Populations and Clientele Served:
San Francisco seniors (60+ yrs old), adults with disabilities (18-59yrs old), homeless seniors (50+ yrs old), and caregivers. Additional considerations include folks with cognitive impairments.
Types of Services Offered by the Program:
As a citywide collaborative effort, no direct services are provided – the task force partners as well as community based organizations will be developing the strategy, ensuring implementation and evaluating the results. Action Plan recommendations may include a broad range of opportunities, including: increasing cross walk timing in key locations, ensuring that small businesses have the tools and training to be age-friendly, that seniors are considered, included and supported to become prepared for a disaster and are responded to in a timely manner following a disaster, or the city increases opportunities for employment and/or volunteer engagement for seniors and adults with disabilities.
Intern Assignments and Learning Opportunities:
There are many ways to engage and opportunities will depend on where the project is in the process, the students experience and interest, and the amount of time a student is able to intern, but some examples include:
- Developing domain memos: literature reviews, environmental scans, best practices, understanding existing services and potential gaps
- Help develop, inform and support the long-term sustainability of the ADF Plan, such as developing partnerships, fostering community stewardship, and developing implementation and evaluative strategies
- Community engagement: outreach, support and partner with a variety of community stakeholders in getting their feedback about how they experience the city with regards to the specific domains
- Specific areas or programs of interest: there will be a number of areas that will require focus, best practices and recommendations in order to consider adopting programs or policies, such as preventing isolation, encouraging intergenerational communication, improving urgent care for folks with dementia, etc.
- Ensuring rigor when developing recommendations and a process for evaluation, through research, best practices, and process development
- Etc.
Student Availability:
Days preferred: ___TBD __________________________________________
Hours preferred: ___TBD___________________________________________
Does the agency offer evening and/or weekend hours for the field placement? Maybe, depends on the project
Agency Profile:
Public/Government: _X_
Please indicate the number of students in the following categories that the agency could accommodate:
Again, depends on the student, project and timeline.
BASW:____ First-Year MSW: ____ Second-Year MSW: ____ Second-Year Title IV-E:____
Please indicate any particular characteristics and skills that would be desirable for this placement (e.g., language capacity, knowledge of specific computer programs, etc.):
Depends on project, but example of some skills/experience include:
Experience working with any of the following: target population, nonprofits, small businesses, etc.
Experience in any of the following: outreach, program development and assessment, evaluation, research (quantitative and qualitative), data analysis, volunteer recruitment, etc.
Experience with communications, such as hosting community events, web based outreach and communications, etc.
Ability to speak languages other than English also appreciated
Number of SF State University School of Social Work students previously placed at this agency: Many
Does the agency require: NO.
_____ Fingerprint clearance
_____ Background check
_____ TB clearance
_____ Other health examinations
_____ Immunizations
_____ A vehicle for placement related duties
Does the agency cover the cost for any background checks or health procedures? n/a
Does the agency require an early start or late completion date: no, flexible start date
Does the placement offer a stipend? Not as of now
If yes, how much is offered and are there any particular requirements to receive the stipend?
Are there other benefits available (e.g., work study matching funds, food, transportation, subsidies for travel expenses and conferences, etc.)? If so, please specify: