Kaiser Foundation Hospitals and The Permanente Medical Group, INC.
Organization Description
(HSC/MSC and HCA students ONLY)
*Exeptions can be made with prior approval from Kaiser.
Health & Safety
Additional requirements and/or considerations - Background Check (e.g. fingerprinting/livescan, driving record)
- CPR Certification
- Must be 18 or older
- Pre-Placement Training
- TB Test
- Vaccinations
- HIGH RISK: Health care services - Risk includes but not limited to: falling, needle sticks, medical exposure
- SITE REQUIREMENT: Students are not allowed to take pictures or video.
- SITE REQUIREMENT: Students will be asked to sign a confidentiality waiver.
United States Website:
Center for Community Engagement
Organization type
Healthcare Facility or Network (Government)
Focus Population(s)
Adults, Children/Youth, People Experiencing Illness
Focus Area(s)
Health & Medicine