Bay Area Tutoring Association
We provide parents, schools, school districts and strategic partners with access to trained trustworthy and culturally sensitive academic tutors. We empower parents to become better advocates for
their students.
The mission of Bay Area Tutoring Association is to develop an academic tutoring workforce for the support of Common Core Math, Literacy, Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), STEM, Computer Science intervention, and enrichment programs and services. We collaborate with parents, teachers, educational leaders, school sites, districts, CBO’s, non-profits, foundations, and other organizations for the development of growth mindsets and life-long learners of Bay Area students in grades K thru 12.
- Background Check (e.g. fingerprinting/livescan, driving record)
- TB Test
Tutoring services will be on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:30p-6:30p