ACE Charter Schools

Organization Description

Since 2008, ACE has operated charter schools serving 5th-12th grade students in East San Jose with one goal: our students will confidently choose to attend and graduate from college. We are the only charter school in California that strategically recruits students and families that have been left behind by the current education system. As a result, 92% of our students are considered low-income and 50% are classified as English-Learners. 20% of ACE students qualify for Special Education services compared to 10-12% in neighborhood schools. ACE students are considered to be performing below grade-level. ACE is truly a 5th grade through college model and we take time to celebrate growth along the way. After 10 years, the ACE model is beginning to see results. 95% of the ACE High School Class of 2016 have persisted to their 2nd year of college. Many ACE alumni are eager to return to ACE and share their stories with the next generation of ACE student.

Program Information

Counseling Internships, School Psychology Internships, Student Teaching

Health & Safety
Additional requirements and/or considerations
  • Background Check (e.g. fingerprinting/livescan, driving record)
  • Must be 18 or older
1100 Shasta Ave
San Jose, CA 95126
United States
General Phone 
Student Contact 
Lucas Kelleher
Job Title
Director of Student Services and Special Education
Service Learning
Organization type 
Education - Administration/District (Nonprofit)
Focus Population(s)
Focus Area(s)