UFW Foundation
Core Purpose: To empower communities to ensure human dignity. Core Values: Innovation: The active pursuit of new ideas. Si Se Puede Attitude: The embodiment of a personal and organizational spirit that promotes confidence, courage, and risk-taking. Integrity: Doing the right thing even when no one is looking. Empowerment: creating the environment and tools for success.
In order to minimize the exposure and transmission of the COVID-19 virus in the workplace, the UFW Foundation has implemented a COVID-19 Vaccine Policy in response to the recent development and availability of multiple COVID-19 vaccinations. The UFW Foundation requires all staff, volunteers, interns, and fellows, to be immunized against COVID-19 and have their 1st booster shot. All volunteers, interns, and fellows must submit proof of full vaccination to Jacqueline Sernas, Opportunities Coordinator, within 5 days of starting any assignment. If the volunteer has not received their booster shot they have 5 days after their start date to receive the booster
- Vaccinations
Mon- Fri 9-5