USDA Office of Inspector General - Student Volunteer Program (SVP)

Organization Description

United States Department of Agriculture, Office of Inspector General - Student Volunteer Program (SVP)

SVP participants will assist federal special agents and investigative staff in the USDA-OIG Western Region Office in Oakland, California by working on special projects in furtherance of ongoing investigations, program operations, and other mission oriented tasks as requested by USDA-OIG management.  Participants will have the opportunity to observe undercover operations, site visits, and search/arrest warrants.  Students will also have the invaluable opportunity to request interagency training from law enforcement partners focusing on specialized topics such as emergency planning and public safety as well as being afforded opportunities to network and interact with USDA and law enforcement stakeholders in support of investigative and program initiatives.

Students must be enrolled in an accredited school, college, or university at a minimum of half-time status and be in good academic standing (minimum of a 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale).  Candidates that do not meet this minimum GPA requirement may still apply for a SVP position, but may be asked to write a Letter of Explanation and/or Request for Exception to waive this requirement.  In addition, the student must be at least 18 years of age, pass a pre-employment background check, and be a U.S. citizen.  

SVP participants work a minimum of 10 per week and schedules are based upon office needs.  SVP participants will work for the entirety of the equivalent of a spring, fall, or summer semester term unless the SVP supervisor and the SVP participant agree upon a shorter timeframe.  For appointments that exceed the semester timeframe, the SVP participant and SVP supervisor must submit an extension request to the SVP coordinator in Washington, D.C. for approval to work during the following term.  The SVP participant can work no more than two consecutive semesters.  

TO APPLY students must send ONE e-mail with the following:

  1. a cover letter indicating their interest in interning at the USDA Office of Inspector General Western Regional Office;
  2. a resume; and
  3. an unofficial school, college, or university transcripts.  

The ONE e-mail with all application materials attached must be sent to:

The SVP coordinator will review all applications to ensure eligibility.  All eligible candidates will be referred to a SVP supervisor for further consideration, possible interview, and selection.  Upon tentative selection and acceptance into the SVP, the SVP coordinator will provide USDA-OIG Human Resources with the selected student's information for the official offer letter and for processing a background check.  

Health & Safety
Additional requirements and/or considerations
  • Background Check (e.g. fingerprinting/livescan, driving record)
  • Must be 18 or older
United States
Student Contact 
Robert Baggett
Job Title
Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge
Center for Community Engagement
Organization type 
Political Organization (Faith-based)
Focus Population(s)
Formerly Incarcerated People, Incarcerated People, People Impacted by Crime
Focus Area(s)
Civic Engagement
Additional Focus Area(s)
Political Engagement, Public Works