BioForceTech Corporation
Organization Description
Bioforcetech (BFT) is committed to protecting nature and human health by providing technologies that deliver a zero waste future, transforming organic waste into sustainable products. We are in the business of providing organic waste solutions using two efficient and high value processes, the BFT BioDryer and the “P series” Pyrolysis Units. While the equipment can be used independently, the BFT BioDryer and Pyrolysis units are most effective when configured together as an integrated system.
Health & Safety
1400 Radio Road
Redwood City, CA 94065
United States General Phone
(650) 906-0193 Ext.
General Email
Organization type
Science, Technology or Engineering (Private/For-profit)
Focus Population(s)
Focus Area(s)
Hours of operation
8 am to 5pm Monday - Friday